Archive for June 17, 2009

Another one bites the dust

Posted in Miscellaneous Rambling with tags , , , , on June 17, 2009 by eternallylost

So we managed to kill another one…

The calla lilly we bought at Target this past December finally keeled over. It’s death was nowhere near as dramatic as the swan dive the last bulbed plant took, but it was painful just the same. The last lilly we had snapped right off the bulb with an audible crack and took a header off the book case it sat on as the then wife and I looked in horror and disbelief.

What makes this hortacultural failure so disappointing is the fact the friggin lilly grew to like 2+ feet tall, but never bloomed a single flower!! I even bought Miracle Gro fertilizer sticks, which seemed to have the opposite effect for some unknown reason.

R.I.P Calla Lilly

Another Victim

And now our bonsai is pretty much ready to say sayonara. At about 3 years old, this bonsai is the longest surviving plant we’ve had to date. I bought the plant from a kind old man in Chinatown, Los Angeles. The container I transferred the plant to was puchased in Chinatown, New York about 2 years ago.

So the “plant plan” is to not buy anymore seeds or bulbs. Based on the fact that we were able to sustain a bonsai for a few years (and have killed everything else within a few months), we’re going to stick to “pre-grown” plants you find at Home Despot.

The overall experience makes me worried how well we can “grow” a child, which needs a lot more than just water and sunlight. Time to bag and tag the calla…