Archive for June 28, 2009

Dazed and Very Confused

Posted in Miscellaneous Rambling with tags , , on June 28, 2009 by eternallylost

After checking out a couple of properties late this morning, I decided to take another run at our baby registry.

I spent hours last night ogling strollers, convertible car seats and playpens on the Consumer Reports web site until I got cross-eyed. Now I was eager to see if all my “studying” would pay off.

I quickly learned that the stroller system we picked out during our initial visit was not only ideal, but considered one of the safest by Consumer Reports. I also learned that other than reconfirming our previous selection, I retained little else from last night’s cram session!

There was something about watching out for playpens with Velcro that attaches on the inside being less safe than ones that attach their mats with straps from the outside.

So far, so frustrating. Choosing wedding registry items was sooo much easier. I feel like I’m picking items for a person I don’t really know. I hopeĀ  we get better at this soon.

Being obsessive-compulsive and anal retentive is troublesome in these cases. At this rate, we’ll finish by next Thanksgiving. Sigh…