Archive for June, 2009

Are we nuts?

Posted in Miscellaneous Rambling on June 26, 2009 by eternallylost

I’ve always been hellbent on getting as much done in any given day as humanly possible. I really can’t explain where it comes from. It just is. Like it’s instinctual.

As a kid: I was so eager to start the day that I learned to climb out of my crib (more like fling myself over, according to my mother’s horror stories) so I could waddle into the living room to watch TV or play with my toys.

In college: To help come up with the money for a new car, I was briefly on three different payrolls.  I eventually quit the lower paying of the three jobs and hung onto the other two for a few months. I worked 7 days a week for a semester (a full course load) and it almost killed me.

My “goal-oriented enthusiasm” didn’t wane into adulthood…

As a husband-to-be: As if planning a wedding for 250 guests wasn’t enough, I decided we should try and buy a condo that same year. We closed escrow in time to host our bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Which bring us to today…

As if preparing for our first baby wasn’t enough, we’ve managed to convince ourselves that now is a good time to search for a new home. Given my previous examples, is this just par for the course? Are we nuts?!

A boy or a girl?!

Posted in Miscellaneous Rambling with tags , , on June 22, 2009 by eternallylost

I started going to Sharp Rees-Stealy around 2004. I was looking to change providers to someplace near work in Mira Mesa. J. Hernandez gave me a great recommendation about his experience at Sharp Rees-Stealy and explained how several coworkers at USA Federal also went there. That was enough to prompt me to switch over. A few years later, I convinced the wife to switch and the rest is history.

We visited Sharp Rees-Stealy this afternoon for our ultrasound appointment. After attending the first two baby appointments, scheduling kept me from visiting all of the subsequent visits, which was very disappointing for me. I missed out on hearing my child’s heartbeat for the first time and had to settle for a retelling of the experience–definitely not the same as being there. So I wasn’t about to miss this important appointment and took the entire day off.

The ultrasound technician was accommodating and actually talked to BOTH of us during our visit. But honestly, that’s typical of our experience with Sharp Rees-Stealy! I can’t say enough good things about the staff.

Anywho, back to the story at hand. It’s a girl! The wife was right all along about the baby’s sex. Mother’s intuition perhaps?

She seems like a feisty one already. After watching her have hiccups, our baby girl was waving her tiny hands and at one point even looked like she was dancing for a few moments. I can’t wait to meet her!